He lipedema is a disease characterized by accumulation of fat in the extremities (legs and arms) being disproportionate in shape and volume with respect to the rest of the body. It is about the inflammation of the fatty tissue. It is a disease that, due to its characteristics at first glance, can be confused with obesity or even cellulite. However, the way it affects people who have it and the treatments that are used to eliminate lipedema They make us talk about a peculiar disease and different from others such as obesity or cellulite.
When we talk about lipedema We refer to a disease about which there is not much information among the general population, which is still unknown to many. And it is that, the own who (World Health Organization) would not recognize lipedema as a disease until May 8, 2018. But the reality is that it is a disease that affects many people, mainly women, and that due to its characteristics it is important to know it, since, if it is not diagnose lipedema in a person who suffers from it, it is very difficult to reduce that excess fat, since its treatment is not like that of obesity or cellulite. Therefore, we are going to detail everything you need to know about lipedema.
As we have already said, it is a excessive accumulation of fat in the extremities, being more common than in the legs. The first thing to know is that it is a chronic illness It is not directly related to diet or obesity, since lipedema affects people with different physical characteristics, including those who do not have excess fat in their body before suffering from lipedema.
To identify the lipedema we must know which are the main symptoms and how they differ from obesity or cellulite. The main characteristic of lipedema is that this excess fat is produced exclusively in one part of the body, the legs, being completely disproportionate with respect to the rest of the body. This decompensation is noticeable even with your own feet, since they maintain their normal size. Of course, this distribution of fat in the legs is symmetrical, it affects both legs in the same way.
This causes different problems related to mobility of the limbs, as well as deriving in leg pains, hypothermia and a greater ease for bruising.
Finally, the weightloss, key to ending obesity, makes us look like a person who suffers lipedema you will not experience changes in your legs despite losing weight.
He lipedema it's divided in three degrees different depending on the characteristics and severity of the disease.
Grade I. It is the mildest degree of lipedema. The surface of the skin is normal, but has some fat nodules. The disease is barely visible to the naked eye.
Grade II. In this case we are talking about the disease being in an intermediate situation. The surface of the skin is characterized by being irregular, forming a greater number of nodules with respect to grade I. In addition, a greater amount of fat in the back of the knee.
Grade III. It is the most serious state of the disease. In this case considerably increases fat accumulation, forming a greater deformation of the skin. It is also characterized by the pain suffered by the patient.
Also know what is the prevalence of Lipedema and to whom it mainly affects.