When the lipedema reaches high levels it is necessary to resort to surgical treatments more complete than conservatives to be able reduce excess fat and cure the disease. To do this, we find three types of liposuction that will allow us to extract the fat from the legs.
Water assisted liposuction (WAL).
The most used treatment to cure lipedema is liposuction WAL (Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction), or what is the same, water assisted liposuction. It is an innovative method different from normal liposuction.
For extract fat The excess is used with a cannula that is introduced into the affected area and from there the fat is sucked from the tissue. To complete the whole process, different incisions are made in the legs to be able to extract all the fat. This is a long operation, since lasts between two and three hours, and, normally, requires a night of hospital admission after the intervention.
After the operation, Recovery it is a process that does not have great complications. It has specific indications according to each case. But, in general, activity can be recovered in a short time, although it is true that during the first week you should go recovering mobility little by little. About ten days after the intervention the stitches will be removed.
With respect to results, can be seen immediately after the operation, although the first weeks will still notice edema. And about six months after the operation you can see the final results.
Do you think he may have Lipedema? Do the test now and get out of doubt.
Tumescent liposuction.
Another surgical method used to treat lipedema is the tumescent liposuction. In this case, it is injected into the affected area dilute lidocaine and epinephrine. This causes the intervened area to become swollen and firm. Once the inflammation has occurred, the surgeon will be able to remove the excess fat that is in the legs through a cannula that is injected through small incisions.
One of the main advantages of this intervention is the use of Local anesthesia, avoiding the side effects that tend to occur with general anesthesia. In general, tumescent liposuction is used in less severe cases of lipedema, since in the highest degrees of the disease WAL liposuction is the most indicated.
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL).
Finally, we have the power assisted liposuction (Power Assisted Liposuction) also known as vibration. As in the rest of the liposuctions, the PAL technique uses a cannula that is injected into the area to be operated on. In this case, the cannula generates vibrations that cause the destruction of fat cells. In this way, that fat can be sucked out later.
This technique is characterized by power extract more fat in less time, being more effective than manual liposuction. In addition, it is also a more comfortable option for the patient, since it is less painful than traditional liposuction and recovery time is reduced.
The surgical treatments they are necessary especially in the most severe cases of lipedema. Depending on the characteristics of each patient and, after being evaluated by the surgeons, it will be determined which type of liposuction is the most indicated in each case.
Also know non-surgical treatments now.